Elixir Ampoules 是高品質的護膚品牌,含有高效活性成份,為您帶來卓越顯著效果的奢華美容護理。產品的設計有著明確的目標: 留住年輕的肌膚。品牌主要選用品質超卓的高效活性成份從而達到獨有出眾的效果。活性成份背後的概念是透過最先進的科技提取高濃度針對性以「解決皮膚根源問題」為本的成份。
Brand philosophy
Elixir Ampoules is a high-quality brand of skincare, offering luxurious cosmetic treatment with active ingredients that deliver visible effects. The products are designed with a precise goal in mind: to retain the skin’s youthfulness. The brand prefers extremely effective active ingredients with special quality and outstanding unique selling propositions. The concept behind the active ingredients are based on a high concentration of state-of-the-art “solution based” ingredients.